Wednesday, April 14, 2010

But there's no V in Coconut!

My son is 5.5 and is learning the about the letter "Vv" in pre-school this week. Determined to have some mommy time with him on my day off I decided I would take him on a "Vegetable" field trip. After the trip, I found myself with fruits and veggies that I had no idea what to do with. Enter Whole Food's Iphone recipe applicaqtion. Have you ever wondered what to do with the three or four items you do have on hand? I simply typed in Kale, Collard Greens and Viola! A recipe! A really good recipe. Would you believe I just so happened to have a fresh Coconut on hand? What luck!

So tonight we were introduced to Coconut Milk Braised Greens (Kale, Collard Greens and Onions) and I loved it! Next time I'm going to add almonds and garlic, YUM!